Stephanie Kerr B.A. (Hons Psych.), OCGC Concurrent Disorders

Stephanie (she/her) is completing her Master of Social Work graduate degree at Laurier University, and is looking forward to carrying out her placement with DBT Hamilton over the next year. 

Stephanie graduated from Trent University, completing a 4-year Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, and has completed the Concurrent Disorders post-graduate certificate program at Mohawk College. She has undergone training in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy through the University of Toronto Continuing Studies program, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy training, as well as other training focused on trauma and substance use. 

Stephanie has worked for the past 14 years providing counselling to family caregivers in their role supporting a loved one with mental illness and substance use concerns. She has had many experiences facilitating both peer and psychoeducation groups in partnerships with community organizations and hospitals, as well as acting as a lead facilitator for the Sashbear Family Connections Program. Stephanie has also established a Borderline Personality Disorder Caregiver peer support group that has run monthly since 2016. Currently she is working at COAST through St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton.


Hannah Jamieson, MSW, RSW


Shazia Almas, Ph.D., RP (Qualifying)